Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Office. Office..? Office !

Yeah. Sigh. Couldn't resist a post on office and office-ing, of course from, where else, office. It had to be a matter of time. And if my boss is reading this: I really don't have any work today. I tried, but I really couldn't find any. Ok. So, that doesn't help. God promise? Ok. Won't work either. Sigh.. I resign myself to my fate.

So here I am. A hard working young man [THIS event does not count!], brimming with vitality and vigour, so to speak, stuck behind a laptop in the confines of a cubicle. Yes, its called a cubicle because its a tiny partial cube. Strategically positioned so that one is not tempted to do non-official work [and yes again, blogging included]. Ingeniously designed to prevent one from stretching an arm or a leg. Forty winks is a big no no. I have about 14 windows open on my taskbar and I am adept at the Alt+Tab skill. With the boost of over-confidence that my supremely capable capabilities give me, I embark on this dangerous mission.

So here I am. Errr.. actually, here is where I definitely am not. Jeez, this is more difficult than I thought. I'm keeping a straight face and sitting as close to the laptop as possible, one eye on the screen and the other on my boss, constantly Alttabbing [Refer to the copyright - The word's mine!] between excel sheets, presentations and pdf's. Damn, if I looked at myself five feet away, I'd be damn impressed with my productivity. Oh, that reminds me.. Today's timesheet is going to be a fairytale. Heheheh.. Me proud of me. Very proud, indeed.

Hang on for a second. Nosey colleague comes looking for nosey conversation..

Ok. We can talk now. He's gone. He just stopped by to say, "Enna machaan.. You seem to be very busy these days.."

"Yeah, I'm just sending across the final [Alttab gtalk] presentation to the client. Have to be in Mumbai tomorrow. [Alttab gtalk] Damn, I totally forgot, [Alttab excel sheet] I also have some analysis to do on another project. [Alttab gtalk]", I said, while typing sweet somethings to a sweet pretty little thing on, what else, gtalk.

"Oh! That much work ah da.. Mama, you're overworked da.. "

[Chest swells]

"Seriously man. They don't pay me enough. The kind of work I do. See?.. " [Alttab - one year old presentation]

"Ohhhh! Mapillai!! That looks damn neat man. Could you teach me how to do that?"

[Chest swells, some more]

"Yeah.. I know.. Sigh.. But I'm busy this week and hmmmmm, even until Wednesday next week. Lets say next Thursday?.. Tentatively? I'll confirm by Saturday."

"Sure man. Anytime you're free.. "

Good good. Daily dose of ego boosting - DONE!

Very funnily. Everyone at every position gets vetti time. But none of them can afford to admit to it. Its like the universal standard excuse, "In a meeting". As a relatively new entrant into the (hardly) working-world, I am a victim of such excuse-abuse. I don't even give the meeting excuse. Nobody buys it anymore and people take offense. Don't want to shoo away pretty young things like the one above.
[Me - Out of form. Queue of PYTs outside home - Not anymore. Dad and mom - Very anxious ]

Wait.. Did I just get an email??? Yay!! This is where I remove my vetti label..

Disclaimer: Above events may be exaggerated and/or fabricated. This post cannot be used against me during appraisals, performance reviews. Yes, even during lunch time!

P.S - Translation for the Tamil-ignorant population (Its alright. Nobody's perfect.)

Enna - What
da - [Errr.. Don't know. Nothing really]
Vetti - Jobless
Machan - Wife's brother
Mama - Uncle
Mapillai - Son-in-law
[Don't ask. Complicated relationships. Even more complicated usage. Really, don't ask]

P.P.S - Dearest PYT - Kindly adjust.. :)


jecehydkle said...

Hari K leaving a P.S. for tamil ignorant population - highly distressing

Hari said...

Hey you.. PYT !!.. :) Ssup..